Study Applied Law
through c6 At Ryburn Sixth
The BTEC National in Applied Law is an exciting and interesting course which focuses more on applying the law to case studies rather than learning huge quantities of information, therefore there will be more emphasis on learning skills rather than learning information. The topics that are covered in the course are useful if you are thinking about going on to studying Law at undergraduate level but are interesting and relevant to everyday life, as you will see the topics covered in news articles on a daily basis. If you are hardworking, enjoy solving problems, follow current affairs, enjoy a challenge and have an eye for detail then this is the course for you.
Many students think studying law is only useful if they want to become a solicitor or barrister - not true! Studying law develops many useful skills and opens up lots of career pathways. You will learn the skill of research, application and debating. Research different areas of the law to find relevant cases and statutes to apply, then take what you have learnt and apply it to scenarios to decide if the defendant in the scenario is guilty of an offence. Master the art of debating as you learn to put forward well-reasoned and justified opinions.
Studying BTEC Applied Law will open the door to a number of different career routes. If you are thinking about going on to university, you will be well prepared for any essay based subject such as English, History and Journalism.
Most universities are happy to accept people who have studied BTEC Applied Law on to Law degree courses, and do not discriminate against them. Every year we have a number of Brooksbank students who successfully make the transition from Level 3 Law to studying Law at university. Alternatively, if you are wanting to go straight into employment, the course will prepare you for jobs such as: police officer, paralegal, legal executive and legal secretary. There are also an increasing number of Law apprenticeships which are open to students who have studied Law at Level 3.
What will I study?
Qualification: BTEC Level 3 Applied Law Equivalent to one A level
Exam Board: Edexcel
Entry Requirements: a minimum of five GCSEs at 9 - 4 grades (or equivalent) including grade 4 in English Language or Mathematics.
You will study four units, with a mixture of coursework and exams based on pre-released case studies spread across the course.
Topics covered:
- Dispute Solving in Civil Law Explore how civil disputes are resolved, both in the courts and by alternative means. Examine the making and working of precedent and its application in the law of negligence, together with sources of advice, funding, resolution and remedies.
- Investigating Aspects of Criminal Law and the Legal System How laws are made and interpreted, who advises and decides on the outcome of criminal cases and the punishments that can be imposed if laws are broken. Present advice to clients on non–fatal offence case studies.
- Applying the Law Cover a selection of criminal offences including: murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, theft, robbery, burglary, fraud, criminal damage, and the defences of duress, intoxication, self-defence, insanity and automatism. Look at a range of different police powers, including the power to stop and search, arrest, detain, interview and take samples from suspects.
- Family Law The law relating to both the creation and dissolution of marriage, including divorce and annulment. The types of orders which can be awarded post dissolution in relation to both property and children.
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