The expectations of Ryburn Sixth students reflect the fact that they are young adults working towards university or employment whilst in a school environment. We have high expectations but also want them to enjoy their choice of Ryburn Sixth and make it feel like a step up in trust and maturity from school.
Lanyards – Ryburn Sixth students must always wear their lanyard. If a student does not have a lanyard they must get and wear a sticker from Mrs. Lewins or Joanne. This is really important for safeguarding.
Planners – Students are all given a planner at the start of the year to enable them to record and keep track of their homework. The planner also contains pages for students to set and review targets with their subject teachers.
Mobile phones – Students are permitted to have mobile phones on site and can use them in the sixth form social spaces. However phones are not permitted to be used or out in any other part of the building, especially lessons, unless a teacher has given permission for them to be used as part of a learning activity. Phones should be confiscated if being misused and passed to Joanne in the Sixth Form office.
Head phones – Students should not wear headphones in lessons (unless permission has been given by the teacher) or around the building (for health and safety reasons).
Hats/ hoods/ coats – Students should not wear hoods or hats indoors or coats in lessons.
Smoking and vaping - Smoking and vaping are banned throughout the building and the school grounds, including at the top of the drive.
Dress code – appropriate for learning.
“I have been really impressed so far and like the fact that we are treated much more like young adults, it definitely creates a more mature atmosphere.”
Attendance and Punctuality
Good attendance and punctuality are important habits to get right. A register is taken at every lesson, and we record late students. We inform parents / carers if students are missing lessons.
During their Sixth Form years, students need to develop their ability to manage their own time and studies, and they will have a number of ‘free periods’ on their timetable. We do this gradually. During the first term of Year 12, students are expected to be at registration every day. From the second term onwards, students have the option to choose to study at home one morning a week, and after their lessons have finished for the day. From the final term of Year 12, and in Year 13, they need attend registration on Wednesday mornings only, and have a fortnightly personal tutorial with their Form Tutor.
Students should be working independently outside of lessons for approximately 4 hours per subject per week from the start of Year 12.
Homework is usually based around past exam questions, essay writing and redrafting, note making, research, stretch and challenge opportunities and reading around the subject. It could include specific tasks and/or extension material to develop independent learning. For students following vocational courses homework could include specific assignment tasks.