Careers and University
We ensure you have a clear direction and a bright future on leaving Ryburn Sixth.
Your sixth form should not only provide a great learning opportunity in your subjects, but also act as a bridge between school and your future. It’s a time to develop your independence and work out, or work towards, what you want to do in the future. Whether you want to go on to university, an apprenticeship or employment, we will help you get there.
Meet our Lead Careers Advisors, James and Rachel.
C&K Careers
Students at Ryburn Sixth benefit from impartial, specialist advice, provided by our partners C&K Careers. Philippa and Rachel are based at Ryburn and work with students from all years. They provide resources within the Library, and offer individual appointments to any student who wishes to discuss education, training and employment options. Working very closely with Ryburn staff including SEND, Pastoral and Heads of Year and specialist external agencies, C&K help us to offer the appropriate level of support to every individual.
They offer special support for Post 18 Options and a drop in advice service in the Common Room every Friday.
They also organise or attend a number of key events each year to provide guidance to students and their families, including assemblies and parents evenings, careers and education fairs and interview practice.
The service continues beyond your time at Ryburn, as C&K Careers offer lifelong careers advice for young people and adults through their centres in Halifax, Huddersfield and Dewsbury and other provision in the community.
Summary of our Careers programme
Below is an outline of the key features of our careers programme. Events vary from year to year, and students will be informed of specific dates and upcoming events relevant to them.
Work Experience
All Year 12 students undertake Work Experience in the summer term, with lots of support given in finding suitable opportunities and during the placement itself.
Careers advice and guidance
Year 12 students all have 1:1 interviews to to assess their options and support needs. Targeted support is offered to those choosing to leave Sixth Form early or who require additional support. Support is available with preparing for applications and interviews, and making alternative plans if they are unsuccessful. Fridays are dedicated for our C&K careers advisors to work with Sixth Formers and their families, with appointments available to book or drop in. Students can always find information and guidance through C&K Careers in our Library.
Explore the future
Many activities are offered to enable students to learn about their future options, including university visits and preparation, workshops from visiting HE and training providers, job seekers and employability tutorials. Students are guided to the most suitable opportunities for them, both those organised by Ryburn and outside of school.
Year 12 Information Evening
Each October, we welcome students and families to Ryburn Sixth, with an evening that provides lots of information to help you get the most out of Sixth Form, to decide and prepare for your future paths beyond our doors.
VESPA Programme
In Year 12, our students participate in a range of activities which prepares them for Higher Education and employment. They are guided through how to compose a CV, how best to research different courses and how to budget effectively. Students also undertake a mock interview and are assessed on the delivery of a presentation.
A Level Results Day
Careers advisors and Ryburn Sixth staff are on hand on Results Day in August and in the following weeks to offer advice to those who do not get the required grades for their preferred progression route and to support them to a positive 'plan b' destination.
Please note, the programme may be adapted this year due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Extended Project Qualification
The EPQ is a fantastic preparation for university study, helping you develop many of the skills you will need to succeed. It is worth up to 28 UCAS points, and universities love it.
Ryburn Excel
Our dedicated programme to support and encourage our most able students, enabling them to shine at the best universities.