Study Politics
through c6 At Ryburn Sixth
Politics impacts all aspects of life and goes a long way to shape the world we live in. The exercise of power by the state over an individual is a fascinating subject to study. How much power do we really have over our lives? When should the state intervene? Who really pulls the strings in government? How democratic are we? What are the ideas that lie behind politics? How do we compare with the USA?
What will I study?
Qualification: A-level Politics
Exam board: Edexcel
UK Politics
- Democracy and participation
- Political parties
- Electoral Systems
- Voting behaviour and the media
UK Government
- The UK Constitution
- Parliament
- Prime Minister and the Executive
- Relations between the institutions
Political Ideas
- Liberalism
- Nationalism
- Conservatism
- Ecologism
- Socialism
- Feminism
- Anarchism
- Multiculturalism
The Politics of the USA
- US Constitution and Federalism
- Congress
- US Presidency
- Supreme Court and Civil Rights
- Democracy and participation in the US
- Comparative approaches
Offered in collaboration and taught at Brighouse High School Sixth Form College as part of the C6 Programme.
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