Students succeed at Ryburn Sixth. All of our subjects have Alps 5 or better, meaning students make amazing progress. 80% of our subjects are level 3 or better, placing them in the top 25% of sixth forms and colleges nationally.
Our A-Level students achieved 100% pass scores, with a whopping 26% being A or A* grades, with 83% scoring C grades & above.
BTEC students also have a 100% pass rate. Over half of students excelled to a Distinction or Distinction* grade, and over 90% achieved a Merit or greater.
Alps looks at the average progress students make in Key Stage 5. The data uses their exam results in KS4 and calculates the average grades they’d be predicted to get at KS5. These averages are compared to their actual KS5 results. Wherever final grades are higher than the ‘average’ progress, this represents the ‘value added’ by the sixth form, and demonstrates effective teaching.
The average ‘value added’ progress scores for each subject are then benchmarked and ranked nationally against the scores of other colleges and sixth forms. Each is given a number between 1 and 9, with one being the highest level, awarded to the top 10% of schools.